' ' beware of her blade. ' '
Calanthe may not look like it, but she can wield blades proficiently. Specifically, daggers are her specialty. The daggers that she use during combats were those given by her father, a special silver pair of beautifully crafted daggers.
Her exceptional dexterity, agility, flexibility, durability, and speed made her an ingenious fighter. Even though she prefer to avoid fights, it's not a secret that she's an adept fighter.
The style of her fight is pretty much the type that has sudden bursts of speed and agility. One would hardly keep track of her movements until it's too late.
Like all swords of Synestia's, they are no ordinary swords. Especially hers, since they were embedded with special substance made with Krissala. Within the range of 5m from the user, any kind of magic will be canceled due to the effect casted by Krissala upon the blades. When crossed together, the blades can afford a 10m wide barrier to null any kind of magic. Though, the effect may wear off after some time. When that happens, she'll need to imbue the Krissala to her blades again.
' ' masterpiece among the scions. ' '
Since she's the appointed vice leader of ETHPERiA, the death squad created by Synestia's empress, she needs more than just exceptional battle skills.
For that, she was then granted further power by fusing herself with one of the Esper—Synestia's holy powerful creatures— she created herself within her lab.
Called the High Seraph for her angelic wings of glimmering gold, yet it was on wings of deepest black that the tainted angel Ultima rose against the gods.
If she uses Ultima's powers, a pair of angel wings will emerge from her back. Her dress will still look pretty much the same, though white and frills will become more dominant than ever.
' ' mastermind of the plot to rise against them. ' '
Through the unison between Calanthe and Ultima, she earns an ability that makes the High Seraph all mighty.
Sacred Light Manipulation.
With it, Calanthe can create, shape and manipulate divine light that's highly effective against the supernatural, such as demons and angels. The effectiveness, in question, can range from trapping and immobilizing to outright banishing or killing supernatural threats. Furthermore, divine light may have other properties and abilities, such as healing, Resurrection, summoning angels and spirits of the deceased from Heaven to the material plane.
' ' her angelic wings of glimmering gold, yet it was on wings of deepest black. ' '
Other than that, Calanthe earns another mighty ability from the High Seraph.
Holy Fire Manipulation.
The ability enables her to create, shape and manipulate holy flames, which are especially effective against demons and other evil beings and are inextinguishable by normal means. It may also trap and immobilize angels or demons, rather than killing them outright. The color of the flames varies, but usually blue, white, or the normal if light shades of fire.

Meliora Arcadia von Veradisia
The first princess out of the six princesses of House Veradisia, Calanthe's eldest sister. Or how she sees it now, the only sister left for her. Meliora is also the empress of Synestia Empire. Calanthe loves her dearly and kept the bond they shared strong and tight.
Meliora can be found here.
The late 12th king of Synestia kingdom, his loved father.
Calanthe was way closer with her father than her mother, since their interest of science kept on strengthen their bond until the end.
After the tragic incident, she had continued her late father's legacy. Appointed as the lead scientist of Synestia Kingdom, even. However, it was completely difficult for the young one to cope with what had happened, as her focus was disturbed easily than before and she's lost in her head more frequently.

Lavon Syemeon von Veradisia
The late 12th queen of Synestia kingdom, her dearest mother.
Although she wasn't that close with her mother, she still loved her unconditionally. The bond they shared was tight and strong nonetheless.
After the tragic incident had occurred, regrets of her of not tightening the bond even further with her mother started showing up. Unexpectedly, she had a difficult time coping with this.